App e giochi

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Fun and addictive punctuation game with pixel graphics (classic retro style).Sound effects in the retro style of 8 bits.Leaderboard best score system.

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Different levels of difficultyLanguage selectionFunny animationsSpecial visualisationsTest your skills

- Get to know 39 kinds of gourmet food, including juice, steak, hamburger, cake, sandwich, and tomato.- 14 kinds of cute toys for you to choose from: Toy dinosaur, toy car, music box and more.- Fun interactions: Fishing, applying makeup, drawing Easter eggs, and role playing.- There are 12 kinds of ...

gioco educativo per bambini7 differenti attività5 bimbi adorabili con diverse espressioni del visoeffetti sonori funkymini-game in cui trovare gli oggetti nascosti con 3 differenti scenaripiù di 50 vestitini diversibellissime illustrazioni in HD a colori vividiscene interattive

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