2AFTER1 Set of 2 Touch Fastener Patches Afghanistan Special Forces MARSOC USMC Raiders Army ANASF ANA

Size: (big one) 3,0 x 5,0 inches / 7,5 x 12,5 cm (aprox +/- 5%)Size:(small one) 2.4 x 3.0 inches / 6.0 x 7.5 cm (aprox +/- 5%)You get a set of 2 (two) patchesHook Fastener backing (Loop piece not supplied)

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Size: (big one) 3,0 x 5,0 inches / 7,5 x 12,5 cm (aprox +/- 5%)
Size:(small one) 2.4 x 3.0 inches / 6.0 x 7.5 cm (aprox +/- 5%)
You get a set of 2 (two) patches
Hook Fastener backing (Loop piece not supplied)